
What Would the Pilgrims Tweet?

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Gabriel Marketing Group

Do you remember a time before social media? I don’t. That’s because I was born after 1985 and I am officially part of the “millennial generation.” As Turkey Day rapidly approaches, the folks over here at Gabriel Marketing thought it would be fun to transport Twitter back to the First Thanksgiving and “ye ‘ole” days of the Puritans and the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Here’s our list of the best #PilgrimTweets & #1stTurkeyDay tweets, if smartphones, Twitter and 3G existed back in 1621. Join in the fun and tweet yours with the hashtags #PilgrimTweets and #1stTurkeyDay and Thanksgiving day!

Mercy2341: Why did I agree to get on that boat? Private healthcare is the worst. #UKexpat

MayFlowerGirl: Sheesh what a long ride, I’m starving. What should we do for dinner? #AnyoneHungry ?!

GilesCorey: More Weight…GAIN!

JohnWinthrop: MORE TURKEY NOW! #zealoftheland #pilgrimtweets #1stTurkeyDay

PuritanDude1621: I’m thinking about having a party tonight…who’s in? I’ve got a keg of honey meade! #PartyHearty

HesterPrynne: This Scarlet A is super heavy. Hey Dimmesdale! Wanna help me take it off? #WinkWink

Isaac54: No mashed potatoes? I knew we should have stopped in Gallway on the way over. #IrishThanksgiving

UrGirlTemperance02: It’s FREEZING, why are we here again? #BlameMartinLuther

PlymouthLover: Hey this maize stuff ain’t bad. It kinda tastes like corn.

Calvinator15: Free at last, free at last! Lots to do. #ConvertingNatives

PilgrimMary1602 : If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? #Pilgrims

AdmiralJohnSmith: Turkey shmurkey. I want some oysters. Off to the Chesapeake. Later. #Jamestown #stillhungry

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at GMG! We wish you all a day full of friends, family and most importantly – FOOD! #GobbleTillYaWobble

From the Blog

Leah Nurik