
Giving Kids’ Entrepreneurism a Kick Start

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Michiko Morales

Children’s books are always a great way to teach little ones important life lessons. Whether it’s a lesson in sharing, standing up for what you believe in, or being a good friend, we all have our favorites from childhood. But what about the book that teaches upcoming generations about the spirit of entrepreneurship and the rewarding feeling that comes from creating your own successful business? What, you haven’t read that one? Well, that might be because it hasn’t been written – until now.

Erec Starts a Fire,” by serial entrepreneur and VP Publisher and Consumer Products of ShareThis, Sean Shadmand, is that book. Launched as part of a campaign by Kickstarter, “Erec Starts a Fire” works to bring an understanding of fundamental business concepts and entrepreneurism to children in the most important developmental stages of their lives.

We have all played restaurant or grocery store with our friends as children, or maybe you even went the step further and opened a lemonade stand at the end of your street. I can personally remember charging $2 a piece for what were meant to be complimentary cookies at a family business open house. Unfortunately though, many of us lose this drive for entrepreneurship as we grow. “Erec Starts a Fire” is the first in a series of child-friendly media that works to reinforce those ideals in children at a young age, in the hopes that they will carry these concepts with them as they develop.

The book is now available for purchase and the GMG team can’t wait to get our copy!


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Leah Nurik